Goodbye Happily Holistic
Warning: nostalgia which may or may not become schmaltzy. My old office is closing. Happily Holistic, the business we began when we returned from Costa Rica, built for five years and then sold. I am feeling a little bit heartbroken over this. I knew that it wasn’t mine anymore after I sold it and tried to stay out of their business. But this forces me to think about it a little bit; what made it successful for those five years? Yeah, I know it probably sounds like I am saying that I am the secret sauce in this equation, but I know that isn’t the case. I think the difference…
Quiet/Noisy Life
This life is full of contradictions. The one that I am thinking of today has to do with noise and what that means to us. Because it is never quiet here: the river rushes steadily below us, the cicadas sing in the rainforest, the rain cascades unrelentingly through the leaves. The birds are calling, and every shift in the sky or weather is greeted enthusiastically by my over-zealous rooster. All this, plus a 4 year old with a personality many sizes too large for him who doesn’t stop talking even in his sleep. And yet, despite the constant noise that surrounds me, I appreciate the quiet of this life. That…
Why SK Magazine?
Why put together a magazine? I love to write. When I was a little kid, I figured I would be a poet and fiction writer when I grew up. When I was in high school and began to understand that poetry may not be a lucrative field, I decided I was going to be a journalist. That career path was unceremoniously tossed aside when I fell in love with the natural health world, but I have always kept my toes in it. Over the years I have written for newspapers, magazines and websites as a freelancer, usually on the topic of health and wellness, trying to demystify subjects like kinesiology…
Making Exercise Fun
It’s Spring, also know as ‘Time to Shed The Layers of Clothes The Protect You From The Wrath of Canadian Winters”. For some, it is a happy time of year. For others it means that some big changes are going to have to happen to get back in line with those New Years resolutions and that often means exercise. Here’s the thing about exercise: people have really weird misconceptions about it. People tell me all the time that they hate to exercise and I find myself asking – do you really hate moving your body in any way whatsoever, or is it the idea of putting on lycra shorts and…
Healthcare is not free – petitioning for change
Originally published in Health Action magazine, Spring 2016 When Canadians begin discussing politics, few subjects are as loaded as Healthcare. Affordable health care for all has long been part of Canada’s legacy and reputation, but increasing MSP costs are changing this reality for some BC residents. These have risen almost 40% in the last seven years. The Medical Service Plan rates have gone up this year to $150 per month for a family of 3 or more who earn more than $30,000 a year. This isn’t a great inconvenience to higher income families who greatly exceed this household income, but to those families just scraping by, $1800 a year is…