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Founder of GEMS Kinesiology College and Creator of the GEMS courses, Alexis is a barefoot gardening, zouk dancing, book reading, mother of dragons. She has been working in the holistic health field for over 20 years, spending much of that time teaching various modalities of specialized kinesiology / muscle response testing and serving on the Boards of various National and International Associations (CanASK, IASK).
She is part of the foundation team at Knowlative and the Chief Organization Officer for SIPS Kinesiology.
A Canadian with a love for travel, in 2016 she and her family moved to Costa Rica to live closer to nature. Send her an email at or WhatsApp: 1-250-681-3391 to make an appointment or inquire about retreats and classes.
She has been a Touch for Health Instructor since 2007 and is now an Instructor Trainer and Assessor for the International Kinesiology College (IKC). Alexis is one of the few Stress Indicator Point System (SIPS) Instructors of levels 0-8, BAP (Body Alignment Protocol), SIPS Reflex, and VIP (Virus Immune Program) certified by Ian Stubbings, and travels around the world teaching this modality and training new instructors. Alexis is constantly growing and developing her professional experience and knowledge.
Alexis Costello uses Neural Organizational Technique (N.O.T), Brain Formatting, K for Kids Playshops and other techniques. In her practice Alexis employs Bach Flower essences, herbology, aromatherapy and massage. She was the editor and publisher of the KinesioGeek Magazine. You can find all its issues online on and it’s absolutely free.
The GEMS program currently consists of five classes and is intended for practising kinesiologists and muscle response testors who have taken Touch for Health 1-4 and who want to keep on learning and grow in helping people and become better practitioners. This GEMS Flow is based on the information from the Touch for Health synthesis and allows a practitioner to easily move between modalities and include all the knowledge they have, while the Business; Nutrition; Elementals; Dimensions; Archetypes, Elements and Energy; and Guardian Organ classes are available to anyone using muscle response testing and wishing to level up as a practitioner.
Click here for the new book: Holistic Freedom,10 Rules to creating the holistic business of your dreams (and have fun doing it!)
“Thank you so much for everything you have done to make my first half marathon a wonderful experience! I had a great time – injury free! – and look forward to many more! And thank you for the wonderful treatments today that will certainly speed up my recovery!”
Betty D. – Vernon, BC