Health Should be Fun
5 Reasons to attend a Touch for Health conference
Why attend a Touch for Health conference? After all, it’s not like the modality has changed. Maybe you don’t use this as your ‘real job’, so it’s hard to justify the travel expense, or maybe you’re afraid that you wouldn’t know anybody. Having just attended my first TFH meeting (I have been to IASK conferences and IKC gatherings before, but this one was new), I thought that I would share a few reasons why it is definitely worth it to attend, regardless of your level of training or experience in the Specialized Kinesiology world. Get hugged. A lot. By people you’ve never met before, but who are genuinely happy to…
Making Exercise Fun
It’s Spring, also know as ‘Time to Shed The Layers of Clothes The Protect You From The Wrath of Canadian Winters”. For some, it is a happy time of year. For others it means that some big changes are going to have to happen to get back in line with those New Years resolutions and that often means exercise. Here’s the thing about exercise: people have really weird misconceptions about it. People tell me all the time that they hate to exercise and I find myself asking – do you really hate moving your body in any way whatsoever, or is it the idea of putting on lycra shorts and…
Daily Affirmations – a month of goal setting
It was one of those ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ experiments – for an entire month I set up a daily affirmation and shared it on Twitter. The result? Better focus and clarity through the day, moving through problems with a little more ease and grace. I have shared the list here in hopes that it might amuse/inspire you. Be Amazing! Alexis Affirmation for the Day: I am clever enough to see through April Fool jokes and good humored enough to appreciate them. Affirmation for the Day: I make my dreams a reality through small steps and good planning. I take things as they come and live in the present (unless the…
Why You Need to Laugh Today
A good laugh and a long sleep can cure almost anything. This is a subject close to my heart because (as is stated on this site repeatedly) I firmly believe that health should be fun. Therefore the idea that having fun can be as beneficial for your health as eating right and exercise appeals to me. Click here to see a short video about a couple of the health benefits of laughter. This isn’t just a hippy-dippy natural health practitioner idea though. The Mayo Clinic has published a list of both short and long term benefits of laughter and they’re, like, real doctors who don’t mess around, so you can…
3 ways to Deal with Dreams Coming True
The craziness of having all your dreams come true. When we work with goals in Specialized Kinesiology, there is an understanding that, for a goal to be worthwhile, there needs to be a certain amount of stress on it. If there isn’t any stress on it, than it’s not really a goal, it’s just a to do list that you are procrastinating about. Most of the time, the stress results from how far away our goals seem to be from reality; for example the man living paycheck to paycheck will show a lot of stress on the goal of being financially secure, as it just seems so unlikely. In our…