• Costa-Rica-goats-permaculture
    Costa Rica Ramblings,  Permaculture

    Homesteading in Costa Rica, 2017

    2017 Homesteading Goals Normally, I subscribe to the ‘don’t tell people your goals’ school of thought. Due to my introverted nature, I prefer to work quietly behind the scenes and then appear magically with finished projects no-one saw coming. But this whole homesteading/self-sufficiency thing is new to me and I am genuinely curious as to what my family will manage to accomplish this year and what other families are planning on doing in the same vein. So please, include your homesteading goals for this year in the comments below and let’s see how we can grow our Permaculture community (no pun intended)! Here are three areas where I see big…

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  • Costa Rica Ramblings,  Fabulous Food,  Permaculture

    Clueless attempts at Permaculture: 3.5 months

    The good news is: food is actually growing. The half-dozen pots of lettuce I had planted as we were getting settled are large and we are consistently pilfering leaves for salads. We’ve had our first little crop of radishes and celery, green onions and herbs are in abundance. Almost every tiny bit of space that could be eked out of what used to be our driveway has been put to good use. Combined with our new little property (see below), this feels like a tremendous amount of plants for me. The thing is, while I have always loved to garden and have always had one, up to now it has…

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  • Energy Medicine,  Vitamins Minerals and Herbs (oh my!)

    Emotional Rescue: Bach Flower Remedies

    Ever hear about something that just seems too simple to be real? As in “if it was that easy then surely someone would have realized this before!”? Bach Flower Remedies have that effect on people. These flower remedies are a basic system of homeopathy that was created by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s to balance your emotions. There are many wonderful resources out there if you wish to learn more about the way these are made or what specific remedies are for (www.bachcentre.com is a good one to try). This is not that resource though: this is a place for telling stories. I was first introduced to Bach Remedies…

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