Costa Rica Confession
Above picture: Me, building a greenhouse while being shot in the butt with Nerf darts from a maniacal toddler. This is my life.
I have a confession to make. This is the kind of thing that’s hard for me to say, so I’m only going to say it once. Ready?
This life is harder than I thought it was going to be.
This is hard to admit, because people make an assumption, when you do something that seems as crazy as sell your home and business, pack up your things and move to Costa Rica, that you are unprepared. In reality, I research everything, and I like to believe that we moved here with eyes wide open, not wearing rose coloured glasses. I was prepared for the rain, the mold, the insects, the isolation that can come with moving to an area where you don’t speak the language well.
But there was one tiny thing that I wasn’t prepared for, and that’s how bloody difficult it is to actually grow things here! I truly believed, based on my previous experiences in this country and the glorious bounty of the Ferias (farmer’s markets) that, by the time we had been here for six months, we would have a luscious garden providing all of our greens, peppers, tomatoes, herbs etc. with fruit trees well established. But between our nutrient-void red clay soil and the acidic (thanks to recent volcanic activity) rain that is falling in torrents, things are slow to grow and many seedlings simply drown or are washed away. What does survive, the chickens get into!
So, we’ve built a greenhouse as cheaply as possible out of PVC piping, plastic covering, zap straps and elbow grease, which ideally will keep rain and chickens both off the plants. The plants are already responding, which is encouraging! And, in reality, the plants that ‘belong here’, pineapples, cassava, ginger, bananas, sweet potatoes and sugar cane are all doing really well. But those are long-term plants and it will still be awhile before we get to harvest anything.
In other news, we are really close to being finished the goat barn – the structure is all up, now we just need to do some finishing and build the feeding and milking stations. We built a fence this morning. Hopefully we have goats by next weekend! Mmmm… cheese.
Are you curious about who won my testimonial contest? Here’s a picture of Brandi’s goodies that I sent her from the jungle and her story:

I met Alexis about 4 years ago when I had such severe shoulder pain I didn’t know what else to do. I had gone to doctors, surgeons, physiotherapists and specialists. Nothing seemed to help. After one treatment with Alexis I could finally lift my arm, which I hadn’t done for months.
In the last 4 years Alexis has helped me and my family with many different things. She even came to the hospital after I was in labour for 48hrs with my son and helped me through what I believe was the hardest decision, whether to have a cesarean or not. My son was born premature but 100% healthy thanks to help from Alexis.
I owe Alexis more than I could ever give. She has saved me mentally and physically on numerous occasions. I refer every person I know that is going through anything difficult to Alexis or a touch for health practitioner in their area.
Thank you Alexis for being you, an amazing friend
Or if you would like to share your Specialized Kinesiology story, either as a practitioner or as someone’s client, please check out this post and comment!
I am up to my neck in my new project right now, an international online Specialized Kinesiology Magazine. I’m roping in talent from all over the world – it’s going to be incredible. Let me know if it’s something you would be interested in and I’ll make sure you get a free download link!
Until then, Be Amazing!